
Finding Out.

By October 12, 2015 No Comments

There comes a time in  every woman’s life where she will find herself in the position to use a home pregnancy test. There is actually much involved and some important facts one must know when taking these tests. Many women may take a home pregnancy to soon and have false negatives, and furthermore many may even perform the test improperly leading to them not knowing they are pregnant.

Here is my advice to you:

  1. There are a variety of brands to choose from; the question is do you want a traditional test or digital?
  2. Have you missed your menstrual cycle yet? Having Symptoms? If that is a yes- purchase the home pregnancy test.
  3. When taking a traditional two line version home pregnancy test- make sure to use a sterile cup to urinate in, and dip the stick according to the directions for an accurate result. Many tests say all you need to do is urinate on the stick. Do a urine dip test with the stick, you can control the amount of saturation.
  4. Read the directions! Each test is different.
  5. Lastly, department store brands are just fine to purchase for home pregnancy test accuracy. Women often hear that E.P.T, Clearblue Easy, and First Response are better, but the joke is on them. Department store brand home pregnancy tests are exactly the same and cheaper. I recommend these as they come in sets, and you save money if the test requires a ” do over”.

On October 12, 2015, I took 3 home pregnancy tests, one of which was digital and the other two were traditional. Needless to say, my positive has lead to the start of Baby Bustle. So if your test is a Positive, congrats and hold on for some changes.

Check Out for a look at their variety of Home Pregnancy Tests.

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