
Induction on Father’s Day- A letter to Jack my unborn son.

By June 20, 2016 No Comments

I can tell you as a mother to be and having my first child – labor is hard to understand.

During the last weeks you are waiting for signs such as a mucus plug, birth weight to increase, contractions, and of course… the water breaking. As I entered 40 weeks none of this happened. I have been instructed and scheduled for an induction on Father’s Day. I can say I have cleaned through every drawer, organized my closet, rearranged my storage unit, got everything in order waiting for the last minutes to go into the hospital. The anxiety and questions run through my mind, but all I know is there is nothing to prepare for when you know you are going to be induced into labor. All I know is that positivity and prayer are what I need. My family and friends have been texting all day and it all has been a beautiful thing. I want to write a few words to  my unborn son in these very last hours of him being in my belly. Mind you Jack- as I write this to you, your father is nervously packing the car with your diaper bag, my hospital bag, and a backpack filled for him as he is going on a trip.

It is father’ s day 2016-

To: Jack Conroy

You have been with me growing for over 40 weeks. I have loved every symptom you have given me that implied you are growing and becoming more real. As I watched you grow on a monitor, my heart always sung with joy and I had tears of happiness. You are a blessing from god, and I am so excited to meet you. I will miss you giving me fun cravings and allowing me to be the foodie I am. I will miss you swimming around and kicking when I play you music. I will miss watching my belly grow, and listening to your father read you books after a hard days work. But nothing compares to the fact that I will get to meet you shortly and love you with everything I am. People are always saying that I care more about others than myself. I want you to know your mommy works hard, and I will work hard and care more about you than myself from today forward.I want you to know that the world is a big and scary place. However, with your intelligence, love for family, trust in yourself, hope in faith, sense of courage- you will conquer the world and more. I am so excited to start this new chapter with you Jack. Motherhood is so special. It is a gift we are granted as women. I thank god everyday for allowing me this special gift. As much as this has been a hard year, I would not trade it with any other year of my life, because I have been lucky enough to bring you to life. My life is yours-


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