
My Furry First

By April 3, 2016 No Comments

6 years ago on October 10th a very precious thing was born, my schnauzer terrier mix named Toro.

My husband brought him home to me on Christmas day. Toro is literally a little man trapped in a dog suit. Having a dog is a responsibility. I often think if a person can safely and properly take care of a dog then they can handle a child. I have to thank my sister for teaching the proper food, harnesses, vets, and activities needed for my dog to maintain a long healthy life. Toro goes with me to all my jobs, and is probably more social than most humans I know.

It was not until the second trimester I noticed a change in my dog. He was extra protective of me and extra loving. Dogs are known for their ability to sniff out changes in the human body. When you’re pregnant, all the hormones flooding your body are likely to alter your scent somehow. However, while your dog may have detected a scent change, it’s unlikely he comprehends the reason. So you can still expect your furry friend to raise a puzzled eyebrow when your little bundle comes home.

After the baby shower and the changing of the guest room, he really knew that a change was happening. There were so many moments I had to tell him ” This is for the baby”. My furry friend would grunt and sit patiently. I hear stories of the dog being second fiddle once a baby is born. I would like to think different. I think of the birth of my son and handling the first little furry man in my life- like an older protecting brother.

In the meantime, and while in the third trimester I will happily enjoy Toro following me around the house, being protective over me, sleeping with me, cuddling with me, and sniffing my belly.

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