
The First Sight

By October 26, 2015 No Comments

During your first trimester you will have your initial doctor’s visit normally around the 8th week. Here are the most important things you should ask your doctor on your very first visit.

  1. How much weight should I gain?
  2. Are my current medications still safe to take now that I am pregnant?
  3. what sort of prenatal vitamins do you recommend and how often shall I take them?
  4. Can I still work out and what is too much?
  5. What sort of food should I stay away from?
  6. What sort of lifestyle changes should I make now?
  7. When is it an emergency?
  8. What first trimester symptoms are common?
  9. How should I handle nausea and fatigue?
  10. What is your birthing philosophy?

During my visit to the doctor, I chose an MD that was highly recommended, and was affiliated with a hospital I trusted. I chose Women’s Care of Beverly Hills.   I was in my 6th week ( yes, anxious) and was so excited to start this process. I was alone, I had not brought my husband, because I figured that this would be mainly a Q&A visit.

I was wrong.

The practice was so thorough, I not only sat down with my physician, but he stayed with me for quite some time to answer all my questions. They even started the genetic testing process by doing my lab work by Counsyl. Shortly after giving urine and my initial lab draw, I was brought into the ultrasound room. It was here I was first presented the sight of my baby at 6 weeks.

I was astonished by what I saw. I can not explain in a paragraph how I really felt at that moment. I just remember feeling blessed, happy, scared, lucky, and filled with excitement. I had heard the baby’s heart rate which was 109 beats per minute. They gave me a picture of the ultrasound and life became very real that I was going to be a mommy. I will truly never forget that day. My doctor grabbed my arm and said -” You are six weeks pregnant”.

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