
Wild Things

By May 1, 2016 No Comments

I remember a few things when I was in kindergarten. I cannot believe I actually can say that.

I remember the playground, my class room, and even important bits and pieces like my favorite books we read. Of those favorite books I loved “where the wild things are”. I read this book over and over. It was not just about the content… it was the photos and Max.When I needed to choose the theme of my baby shower- the first thing came to my mind. A “where the wild things are baby shower”.

I grew up in Arcadia, but also was baby sat in San Marino. A few of our favorite places to visit as a young child was Lacey Park, Huntington Library, Twohey’s restaurant, and The Langham Hotel. The Langham is beautiful, luxurious, and the essence of 5 star. I wanted to have my wedding there, but of course it did not turn out. Naturally around planning my baby shower, the first place that came to mind and was the Langham Hotel, the perfect place for hosting this momentous occasion.

I turned to Pretty Posh Parties to plan my baby shower. I wanted a fun candy bar, and a coed baby shower. The party did not need to be about games and speeches, just great bites, drinks, music, and celebrating Ryan and I having a baby boy.

I loved that some of my nearest and dearest friends came to celebrate the birth of my first born, but what I loved most was how happy my father and mother were. They showed up early and brought a cake that was everything I could have imagined. The cake literally looked as if it jumped out of the story book itself.

My best friends from high school were there to celebrate the occasion along with friends from all decades of my life. The shower took place on the Terrace. I had a bar serving champagne, and specialty cocktails. We had a station where people could design Jack onesies with markers; wish us bits of parenting advice. My candy bar was everything I could imagine- chocolate dipped pretzels, cake pops, cookies, and candy galore. Above the bar hung a sign that said Jack that would soon hang in his nursery.

The DJ played some of the songs I favorited through pregnancy, along with crowd favorites. I wore a white dress, and felt Jack kick at times during the party. It was perfect. Just like this entire experience with him in my belly.

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