
5 and Alive-Thanksgiving 2016

By November 27, 2016 No Comments

Jack became 5 months on November 21st, 2016, and I have to say this could be my favorite month so far. Although they say that at 4 months it is when you will see most of the first milestones, however Jack decided that 5 months is when he would arrive at rolling, sleeping in his crib, and deciding that he now could eat soft things.

I love that his fifth month birthday week was Thanksgiving week. I felt like I had a mini vacation with Jack. We started off his fifth month birthday at our regular Mommy and Me class at Pump Station. I am in my second term with my regular May/ June mommies, who have been so supportive. After 15 weeks at the class and watching babies advance I wanted so badly for Jack to roll over and progress with 4 month mile stones. We talked of Thanksgiving plans and it was a great start to another favorite holiday week.

Tuesday, Ryan watched Jack and he had explained to me that Jack didn’t eat his normal 4 oz bottles, but he would only take 6 oz bottle feeds at each mealtime. Jack was growing. We packed for the long weekend on Wednesday and headed to my parents’ house for the festive holiday. Like usual staying at my parents is always wonderful, but with Jack it was extra special. That Wednesday night I had my sister, mother, and father fighting over who was going to hold or feed Jack next. It was great going out on the town like good ole high school days with my sister. This time my parents watched over Jack. I loved coming back to Jack asleep. By Thursday while cooking Jack was getting strolled around the tennis court while family members slowly started to arrive.  Thanksgiving was incredible. As I cooked I had cousins, aunts, uncles, and family friends fawning over Jack. I was told by many “Go relax, take a load off, we have Jack”.  The night was packed with food, family, and fun games. The most special moment of the evening was Ryan and I mashing up banana to let Jack have his first taste of food. He was a champ and swallowed and smiled. My dad, Ryan, and I were all there for the first feed.

What a special day. It was wonderful to have my closest family members see my son grow. I feel so blessed and special that I have been allowed to share such beautiful moments as a mother. The happiness and excitement of others for me, is really something I cannot explain. It is only what I felt I can never forget. I felt love, happiness, luck, and life changing moments this very Thanksgiving. Jack will be another year older next year, so it is nice to know that many family members got to see jack at such an infant stage. Jack was comfortable at my parents’ house; he went with me on walks around the Rose Bowl, he socialized, he slept in my big bed, and he even did the long awaited mile stone I will never forget- he rolled over with no help for the first time.

Friday we bared Black Friday, and I cooked for my parents. My mother rocked Jack to sleep and my dada said the sentence I had dreaded. He mentioned that he wish he could see Jack in his older years. It was then I had a different view on motherhood. I realized this baby is growing, and growing fast. Life is really short and we have to enjoy every single second of it, and with those that are in it during those moments we have.

When we came home Saturday morning with one day left to spare of the holiday weekend, my Nanny Maria greeted us and she even noticed the change in Jack. His head was strong and up right, his posture was firm, and we could not get Jack to stop rolling- he was 5 months and more alive than ever. My baby boy is getting bigger and I need to enjoy every single moment. It is this, my family, my life, and my son I am so thankful for.

Special Moments:

  1. I made mini chicken pot pies, mini shepard pies, two stuffings, and a beef pasta for Thanksgiving.
  2. For Black Friday I cooked a Chicken Cordon Blue Casserole and Cheese Biscuits for my sister, mom, and dad.
  3. Jack’s first food taste was banana
  4. Jack rolled to his left from back to tummy for his first roll.
  5. I bought Ryan sneakers for his birthday and Black Friday purchase.
  6. Heather and I had cocktails at Sena bar the night before Thanksgiving.
  7. Tita Lorraine rocked Jack to sleep on Thanksgiving night.
  8. Tita Rose played Sunka with him.
  9. I popped into see the Albanese family and brought the them the pie game.
  10. Jack went to the observatory for the first time for daddy’s birthday.

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