
Four Months in the Fall

By October 1, 2016 No Comments

Everyone knows that October through December are my favorite months of the year and my favorite holidays of the year. I am a kid during Halloween, Thanksgiving is the one holiday I am most relaxed, and Christmas traditions are what keeps our family together. Jack turned 4 months on October 21st,and this birthday came with many new changes.

Jack was sleeping 8-9 hours a night. Many said that this would happen, but it was wonderful when it happened. I finally felt like I could sleep for at least a good 5 hours. This gave me energy to finally focus on some personal matters and work.

Not only was Jack sleeping longer hours he was telling Ryan and I that the bedside bassinet was working for him anymore. Jack was only happy through the night if he slept in bed with us, but he could go through the night with just his pacifier. I no longer needed to give him bottles. This told Ryan and I we could advance him to his crib. One other wonderful milestone we observed during Jack’s Fourth Month is that he could hold his bottle with assistance, was cooing unstoppably, loving Peak A boo, and finally enjoying Tummy Time.

Halloween is a fun time with children, but it also dawned on me that it is not about ME anymore. I had planned a get away trip with a dear friend of mine to New Orleans prior to having Jack, and realized as the trip approached that I was missing Jack’s first Halloween. Having known that I would be away for the actual day of Halloween, I planned many festive outings for Jack.

I took Jack with another mommy friend to Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch, I dressed Jack as a surgeon. This was so much fun. Picking out pumpkins, and snapping fun photos with Jack was great. Next year, he will remember it. For Jack’s second costume I dressed him up as a Scarecrow. I got the costume off of Etsy. It was just the cutest thing I have ever seen. I had him wear it to another mommy group outing and our mommy & me class.

For Halloween, as I was in New Orleans I still had Jack dressed up as Shrimp Sushi. Jack attended the medical office party and was a hit. I am so excited to see what is in store for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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