
The Holidays in your 2nd Trimester

By December 25, 2015 No Comments

Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but so are the holidays. Friends and family coming together to celebrate. The best part about being pregnant during the holidays is that you can eat everything you want ( well not everything), and you can wear layers to stay warm covering any of that newly gained baby weight. But holidays can get you down if you are not careful. Everyone making their favorite beverage and most days are a party. Mocktails are just not the same.

Here are some tips to get through the holidays when traveling to visit in laws, or weathering through the holiday shopping storm.

  1. Remember that the patience is a true virtue, when you know that the little who is on the way will be everything you wanted.
  2. Use your calorie counter, or fitbit, and exercise during those moments when you are visiting family over the holidays. Working out always makes a new mommy happy.
  3. Take the time to pick and choose the holiday sweets you never enjoyed due to calorie killers. This time you can enjoy the extra sugar snack. I loved Christmas cookies and ice cream of all flavors.
  4. Be social! Not every holiday party means boozing up. Run around the room and create fun new friendships and conversations with those you never thought you would. You will be surprised how fast the time will fly.
  5. Get Choosey! Pick the holiday parties that you know you will not find yourself pouring yourself that half a glass a wine because you need to. So that means out of the 5 holiday parties that are happening for the week. Choose two that matter, and not just about the party!

Other than that. Enjoy that this is the last holiday that is quiet around the tree, and new life and family to enjoy the holidays in a greater way is yet to be unwrapped!

Happy Holidays

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