
Whining over Red Wine!

By November 2, 2015 No Comments

At 38, you know your addictions, whether it be Louboutins, Chocolate, Bean N Cheese burritos, or traveling till you are broke. You have your addictions, maybe they are manageable, and maybe they are at a level of concern, but either way you know them. I have a dual career, and my addiction is wine.

This may be unhealthy to even admit but before finding out I was pregnant I am a 3 glass on the average a night drinker. Some of those close to me may think this is excessive, I find it my happy place. Nurse Practitioner by day, publicist by night, a glass of red wine was a glass of water for me to relax. After asking my primary care physician if this was a problem and affirming that it was not, it just simply became my routine.

However, when pregnant my happy place became a no no! Many women ask the infamous question “Can you drink a little while pregnant without it hurting my baby?”- The answer varies from clinician to clinician. According to over the past 10 years there have been several studies showing the affect of alcohol on a baby in the womb. Here is what the end result showed:

  1. Avoiding alcohol is the safest choice, especially during the first three months of your pregnancy.
  2. Heavy drinking or binge drinking during pregnancy can hurt your baby.
  3. One to two drinks a week during pregnancy may not be as harmful as we once thought.

During my current pregnancy I have had few sips of my red wine here and there, and when I mean here and there- One half glass of red wine a week if that. Until June 11th, 2016 I will complain and whine over wine as much as I want. I definitely will dream about a tall glass.

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